# Event Management

Auora maintains its own publish-subscribe implementation for brodcasting events that happen thoughout the Store lifecycle. The API for the PubSub manager is below:

# class PubSub()

Simple publish-subscribe manager for executing events on state changes.

# function subscribe(event, callback)

Subscribe to specific event.


  • event (string) - Event name to subscribe to.
  • callback (function) - Function to call on event.

# function publish(event, payload)

Subscribe to specific event.


  • event (string) - Event name to broadcast.
  • payload (object) - Arguments to pass to event callbacks.

# Store

This section details classes related to the global Store object and available methods.

# class Store(params)

Simple store helper for managing state in an application.


  • params (object) - Object with state, mutations, and actions to manage.

# function register(params)

Register new constructs with the store.


  • params (object) - State constructs to register with store.

# function reset(key)

Reset store back to base state.


  • key (string) - State param to reset in store.

# function flush(publish)

Flush state changes from stage to store. This method is called after the end of an action or mutation to safely update the store on callable success.


  • publish (boolean) - Whether or not to publish a `commit` event after this method is called.

# function rollback(publish)

Rollback staged changes and update stage with state. This method is called after the end of an action or mutation to safely rollback the store on callable success.


  • publish (boolean) - Whether or not to publish a `rollback` event after this method is called.

# function subscribe(name, callback)

Proxy for subscribing to specific state changes


  • name (string) - State parameter to subscribe to.
  • callback (object) - Callback to execute on state changes.

# function commit(name, payload)

Commit change to store using mutation.


  • name (string) - Name of mutation to commit.
  • payload (object) - Arguments for mutation.

# function dispatch(name, payload)

Dispatch method for dispatching new actions managed by the store.


  • name (string) - Name of action to dispatch.
  • payload (object) - Arguments for action.

# Status Manager

# class StatusManager(status, callback)

Class for managing state stack, allowing optional callback to be issued when base state is reached.


  • status (string) - Base state for manager.
  • callback (function) - Callback to issue once base state is reached.

# member current

Get current status.

# member previous

Get current status.

# function reset()

Reset status manager back to idle.

# function push()

Push new status onto stack.

# function pop()

Pop status off state stack and issue callback if state manager has returned to resting.

# Observable

The observable object is currently undocumented, but provides a useful tool for managing data that needs to broadcast updates for deeply nested state changes. Here is a minimal example showing how the object can be used:

let track = [];
const obj = new Observable({
  foo: 'bar',
  bar: [1, 2],
  baz: { id: 1 },
}, () => { // base callback, execute every time a change is made
obj.subscribe('foo', () => {
obj.bar.subscribe(() => {
obj.bar.subscribe(0, () => {
obj.baz.subscribe('id', () => {

// test property subscriptions
track = [];
obj.foo = 'test';
//  track -> ['foo', 'base']

track = [];
//  track -> ['base', 'bar']

track = [];
obj.bar[0] = 1;
//  track -> ['bar.0', 'base', 'bar']

track = [];
obj.baz.id = 2;
//  track -> ['baz.id', 'base']

# class Observable(target, callback)

Observable class for watching nested data changes and issuing before/after callbacks.


  • target (object) - Data to create nested proxy for.
  • callback (function) - Callback to execute after global update/delete events.